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Sno.   Project Title Funding Agency   Project Objective Location Status
1 Food assistance to IDP WFP Distribute food items to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) residing at Camp Jalozai Camp Completed
2 Food assistance to IDPs WFP Distribute food items to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) D.I.K Completed
3 Food assistance to Returnee IDPs WFP Distribute food items to Returning Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) South Waziristan Agency Completed
4 Warehouse Management WFP Management of warehouses in in six agencies (Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Orakzai Kurram and SWA) Six Agencies of FATA Completed
5 Cash For Work/DRR WFP Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures( Structural and Non-Structural Activities) under Cash For Work modalities in disaster prone areas District Mirpur Khass, Sanghar and Badin. Completed
6 Food For Work WFP Implementation of Early Recovery activities in the conflict affected area by using the modalities of FFW Three Agencies of FATA Completed
7 General Food Distribution to IDPs in Kurram Agency WFP Distribute food items to Returning Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Camp and Office Camp Completed
8 WASH facilities in Jalozai Camp UNICEF Repair & maintenance of WASH facilities in Jalozai Camp. Hygiene promotion sessions with IDPs Jalozai Camp, Nowshera Completed
9 FATA Livelihood Project GIZ Support the CBOs in the implementation of the CDF Project Jamrud & Mulagori, Khyber Agency Completed
10 FATA Livelihood Project (Education Component) GIZ Technical Assistance program to support Directorate of Education FATA Khyber Agency, FR-Peshawar Completed
11 Emergency support to the restoration of agricultural based livelihood of returned families in Khurram agency of federally administered tribal area FAO Distribution of Livestock and Agriculture Inputs to IDPs of Tirah Valley Kurram Agency Completed
12 Critical livelihood support to protect and restore agricultural based livelihood of conflict affected farmer families in Kurram and Khyber Agencies of FATA FAO Distribution of Livestock and Agriculture Inputs to returnees and stayees of central Kurram and Tirah Valley Kurram and Khyber Agency Completed
13 Children affected by the complex emergency have access to safe, well equipped and quality learning opportunities UNOCH (ERF) Awareness sessions, Air radio messages, Establishment of 10 temporary learning centers, provision of recreational kits to primary schools, Teachers training etc. D I Khan Completed
14 Skill Trainings Deptt. Of Auqaf,Govt. of KPK Skill Trainings to Minorities Nowshera,    Mardan & Battagram Completed


Twenty Eight Basic Education Community Schools in Bajaur Agency BECS Supervision and monitoring of twenty eight Basic Education Community Schools in Bajaur Agency Bajaur Agency Completed
16 Food assistance to IDPs WFP Distribute food items to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from NWA Bannu Completed
17 Food assistance to IDPs WFP Distribute food items to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from NWA Laki Marwat Completed
18 Protection services to IDPs In host communities UNOCHA (ERF) To provide protection services to IDPs in host communities Tang & Kurram Completed
19 Support to Government departments (PDMA and FDMA) UNDP Recruitment and Procurement Services Bannu and Laki Marwat Completed
20 IDPs livestock support FAO Distribution of livestock inputs and kitchen gardening kit Bannu and FR Bannu Completed
21 Cash For Work/DRR WFP Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures( Structural and Non-Structural Activities)under Cash For Work modalities in disaster prone areas District Mirpur Khass, District Sanghar Completed
22 Rapid need assessment of families with specific needs WFP Identification of Unregistered/ non-verified DP families with specific needs according to the set six criteria so that they can be referred for basic assistance and in terms of food and NFIs. Peshawar, DI Khan, Bannu and FR- Bannu Completed


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