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The Government is committed to improve health and sanitation services to all citizens. In spite of the Government’s commitment and efforts, the magnitude of poverty-related communicable and water related diseases make it difficult for the Government alone to cope with these challenges. Similarly, resource constraints and inadequate managerial capacity currently hamper implementation of an ambitious health and hygiene agenda. In assisting the expansion and improvement of health and sanitation, the United Nations System is supporting a rural focus and strengthened partnerships with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The United Nation Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Pakistan aim to support the Government of Pakistan efforts in achieving its Millennium Development Goals and PRSP goals. The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan has recently seen several rounds of displacement due to ongoing security operations. Most of the IDPs are residing in the Jalozai Camp while others are living off-camp with their relatives and by their own. In order to facilitate these IDPs in the camp, humanitarian organizations are providing support in various areas.  Similarly UNICEF is providing WASH facilities with help of BEST (its counterparts).

The project aims to provide safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services to the IDPs living in the IDP camp as well as in institutions, in Phase 1,  2 and Phase 3 located in Jalozai with UNICEFV support. The project comprises of hardware and software components, hardware through installation, maintenance, replacement of WASH facilities (where needed) of water and sanitation (latrine, bathing/washing pads, storage Tanks) facilities in community and intuitions through the contractor, whereas software through hygiene sessions on promotion of safe hygiene practices, Information, Education, Communication (IEC) and Interpersonal Communication (IPC), within the framework of the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children (CCC) in emergency and as per SPHERE standards.


Following are the planned results for project implementation:

  1. 31,500 IDPs (expected most of them women and children) are provided with safe water as per SPHERE standards in UNICEF Core Commitment for Children (CCC).
  2. 31,500 IDPs are provided with adequate sanitation facilities as per SPHERE stand in UNICEF Core Commitment for Children (CCC).
  3. 31,500 IDPs reached and informed on best hygiene practices.

The above strategy of the project is mainly contributing to UNDAF and National Development Goals, including the Millennium Development Goals and PRSP goals. Children in camps are the most vulnerable segment and prone to diseases that result from a lack of adequate and unhygienic water and poor sanitation. The project is providing safe & clean drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities as per SPHERE standard to the IDPs residing in Jalozai Camp.


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